Extención del período de votaciones
Estimado/a Miembro de RTRS,
Conforme a lo aprobado por la Resolución Circular N° 12, fechada el 23 de diciembre de 2023, y la reunión del Comité Ejecutivo del 23 de mayo de 2024, el Comité Ejecutivo de RTRS decidió someter a la consideración de los Miembros Participantes de RTRS la aprobación de las resoluciones explicadas en la Sección A a continuación, mediante una resolución escrita, de acuerdo con el Artículo 18 de los Estatutos de RTRS, siguiendo el procedimiento descrito con más detalle en la Sección B a continuación.
El propósito de esta Notificación de Votación es proporcionar a los Miembros Participantes de RTRS la información, instrucciones y documentos necesarios para el ejercicio de sus derechos de voto en relación con las resoluciones propuestas.
Le recordamos amablemente que los Miembros Observadores no están involucrados en este procedimiento de votación, ya que no tienen derechos de voto. Solo los Miembros Participantes tienen derecho a votar utilizando la Cédula de Votación adjunta o enviada en un correo electrónico separado por DocuSign en nombre de RTRS.
Los resultados del procedimiento de votación serán comunicados por correo electrónico y publicados en el sitio web de RTRS.
Por favor, tenga en cuenta que el Período de Votación ha sido extendido. Los Miembros Participantes que aún no hayan votado tendrán ahora 30 días adicionales para ejercer sus derechos de voto, comenzando a partir de la fecha de esta Notificación de Votación adicional y finalizando el 8 de septiembre de 2024.
Estamos a su disposición para cualquier aclaración adicional relacionada con esta Notificación de Votación.
Lieven Callewaert. Presidente de RTRS
Luiza Bruscato. Directora Ejecutiva de RTRS
A. Resolutions Submitted to the Consideration of RTRS Participating Members.
1. Approval of the financial statements of RTRS for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022.
1.1 Introduction
The financial statements of RTRS which were prepared in accordance with Swiss Law and RTRS Statutes and duly audited by ANCORA Treuhand AG consolidate the results of the RTRS representation in Argentina, in accordance
with the financial statements of such representation which were audited by KPMG.
As communicated to the RTRS membership by way of notifications dated June 23rd, 2023 and September 27, 2023, KPMG had informed RTRS on June 9th, 2023, that as a result of becoming aware of certain facts and circumstances it could no longer uphold the opinion expressed in the audit report of the Financial Statements, previously approved by the Board on May 10th, 2023, and shall adjust such report. This adjusted audit report was submitted by KPMG to the RTRS Executive Board on December 23rd, 2023.
In addition, consolidated financial statements of RTRS for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022, were delivered by ANCORA Treuhand AG in March 2024 and approved by the RTRS Executive Board at the meeting held on April 11th 2024.
In light of all the above, the RTRS Executive Board decided to submit the financial statements of RTRS for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022, to the consideration of the RTRS Participating Members for their approval through
a written resolution.
1.2 Documents
Please find attached as Annex A.1 the following documents, which are hereby proposed to be approved:
• Annex A.1 – Financial statements of RTRS for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022
1.3 Voting Procedure
Please see Section B of this Voting Notice.
2. Appointment of (i) ANCORA Treuhand AG as auditor of RTRS and (ii) Becher y Asociados S.R.L Argentina (“BDO”) as (the new) auditor of the representation of RTRS in Argentina.
2.1. Introduction
According to Article 10(2) of RTRS Statutes, the election of RTRS Auditor lies within the powers of the General Assembly. Therefore the RTRS Executive Board at the meeting held on May 23, 2024, decided to submit to the
consideration of the RTRS Participating Members for their approval through a written resolution the election of (i) ANCORA Treuhand AG as auditor of RTRS and (ii) BDO Argentina as auditor of the representation of RTRS in
2.2. Documents
Please find attached as Annex A.2 the following documents:
• Annex A.2 – BDO’s proposal of Fees for the Audit of the FFSS 2023
2.3. Voting Procedure
Please see Section B of this Voting Notice.
B. Voting procedure for resolutions listed in A.1 through A.5]
I. Participating Members must cast their votes using the “Voting Ballot Sheet.” You may complete the Voting Ballot Sheet using DocuSign without the need of downloading any application or software simply by clicking on the button
“Review Document” of the email you received with the subject “Please DocuSign: Voting Ballot Sheet.pdf.”
II. Participating Members who have not yet cast their vote will have an extended voting period to exercise their voting rights. The new Voting Period -as defined herein below- starts upon the date of this additional Voting Notice and ends on September 08th, 2024 (the “Voting Period”). Any Voting Ballot Sheet which is submitted after the Voting Period will be disregarded.
III. In order for a resolution to be passed it is required that (i) a simple majority (more than half) of all 191 Participating Members at the time of the publication of this Voting Notice (without consideration of the constituencies) cast a vote either (y) by casting a vote in favor or against the resolution or (z) by abstaining from voting, using the “Voting Ballot Sheet,” and at the same time (ii) no Participating Member cast a vote against the resolution.
IV. If no simple majority of all Participating Members is achieved, the resolution will be deemed rejected.
V. If simple majority of all Participating Members is achieved, but at least one Participating Member has cast a vote against the resolution, a re-counting of the votes at a constituency level will be conducted by the RTRS Secretariat.
VI. If such re-counting of the votes reveals a simple majority (more than half of the valid votes cast) in favor of the resolution within each of the constituencies having cast a vote, the resolution will be deemed passed.
VII. If such re-counting of the votes reveals a simple majority (more than half of the valid votes cast) in favor of the resolution within any of the constituencies having cast a vote not being achieved, the resolution will be deemed rejected.
VIII. In order to calculate whether the simple majority has been achieved under VI and VII above, abstentions will be disregarded.