RTRS Standard for Responsible Corn Production
Call for participation in working group.
The Round Table on Responsible Soy Association (RTRS) calls stakeholders interested in participating in the working group on the new RTRS Standard for Responsible Corn Production and relevant annexes.
The working group will be responsible for reviewing specific crop-related requirements and their implementation in the certification process framework. Participating members will equitably represent all three constituencies, Producers; Industry, Trade and Finance and Civil Society and will also include representatives from the academic and government sector, experts and certification bodies.
A moderator from RTRS will co-ordinate the work team.
The working group will convene two face-to-face meetings. One meeting will be held in Rabobank Brazil (Av. Das Nações Unidas, 12.995 – 7º. Andar, Brooklin Novo – SP – SP – CEP: 04578-000), on 14th August, while the other meeting will be held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in the first week of September, 2019.
Download Terms of Reference (ToR) to learn about candidate selection process, WG responsibilities and rules and decision-making process.
All those interested in participating, must fill out the registration form available online and send it by e-mail to [email protected] Cc: [email protected]
The registration period to participate in the meetings ends on August 9 and 30, respectively.