17 June, 2024

RTRS welcomes 4 new members

The Round Table on Responsible Soy (RTRS) welcomes its new members: Gestión Argentina S.A., Humberg Agribrasil Com. e Exp. de Grãos S.A., Rio Pardo Proteína Vegetal S.A. and Url Agrar GmbH. 

These companies, covering the Production, Industry, Commerce and Trade sectors, joined RTRS between the end of May and the beginning of June 2024.

Among the main motivations for these companies to become members of RTRS was to support the Association’s initiatives to both incentivise sustainable production and strengthen the soy value chain in the face of demanding markets. 

About the new members:

Gestión Argentina S.A. is a family business with more than 15 years of experience, which advises producers considering their social and environmental impact at every step. They have RTRS multi-site certification for soybean and corn since 2023, covering 1,722 hectares and 3,571 tons of RTRS certified soybean, and 1,157 hectares and 7,539 tons of corn in La Pampa, Argentina.

It joins RTRS with the aim of continuing to enhance its environmental, social and financial awareness collectively and to promote social paradigm change. “We are motivated to be part of the Association because it has a comprehensive approach that seeks a balance between production and conservation, taking into account the social and environmental impact, while at the same time incentivising producers with an economic differential in their production”, says María Julia Orozco, Director of Gestión Argentina S.A.

Humberg Agribrasil Com. e Exp. de Grãos S.A. is a Brazilian company that markets 2 million tons of grain per year. To operate in the export of grain, it counts on the integration of different logistic modes, besides operating in the main export corridors of the country, such as São Francisco do Sul (Santa Catarina), Santos (São Paulo), Miritituba and Barcarena (Pará); Ilhéus (Bahia); and Santana (Amapá).

As a member of RTRS Humberg Agribrasil Com. e Exp. de Grãos S.A. seeks to promote sustainable agricultural practices, strengthen the soy value chain as well as enhance its reputation, adopt innovations, contribute socially, access demanding markets and reduce risks. 

The international company Url Agrar GmbH markets agricultural products in Central Europe and is headquartered in Austria. Its main products are cereals, maize, oilseeds and animal feed. 

“Our motivation to become part of RTRS stems from our focus on the future. We want to meet our customers’ requirements in terms of sustainability and at the same time be able to market certified material”, explains Othmar Sorger, Head of Oilseeds and Oilseed Trading, Url Agrar GmbH.

The soybean processor Rio Pardo Proteína Vegetal S.A. produces high-quality soy protein concentrate in Brazil. Its production plant, Unidade Industrial Sidrolândia, is located in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul and its milling target is around 40,000 tonnes per year.

For the company, being part of the Association means having an ally in the achievement of its objectives. Rio Pardo Proteína Vegetal SA also expresses its interest in promoting responsible soy production, processing and trade through the RTRS criteria and principles, covering environmental, social and economic aspects.

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