Bayer and RTRS encourage sustainable production in Argentina
The first phase of the “Certification Training for Red Dorados” (Network of exclusive dealers) initiative came to a successful close. It consisted in six meetings which reached more than 80 Argentine farmers from Buenos Aires, Santa Fe, Córdoba and Tucumán, representing more than 350.000 hectares. Bayer is committed to further promoting sustainability in agriculture and launched this initiative which aims to mobilize distributors and producers to certify their soybean production under the standards of Responsible Production of RTRS (Round Table on Responsible Soy) and Certified Sustainable Agriculture (ASC) of AAPRESID (Argentine No-Tillers’ Association).
During the meetings, representatives of Bayer, together with AAPRESID (ASC) and RTRS, talked about the importance and impact of adopting sustainability protocols and encouraged Argentine producers to implement holistic sustainable production practices that allow them to produce soy with certified social and environmental responsibility.
The RTRS and ASC certification standards have shared objectives and are widely complementary schemes. This makes the double RTRS/ASC certification, which has been available since 2013, a competitive advantage for Argentine producers because it enables continuous improvement of process management, transparency and traceability of soy produced in a sustainable manner.
“With RTRS and ASC double certification, we work on social, environmental and productive aspects, with the support of an international certification body granting both certifications. By certifying, a greater amount of information is gathered, which allows us to plan improvements, anticipate problems and take preventive measures”, highlighted Marcelo Ruda Vega and Santos Zuberbuhler, from farming company Nogalnotte S.A., about their certification experience, in a meeting in Santa Fe Province.
“These meetings led by Bayer, together with both certifications, can be the kickoff of a new paradigm shift that will drive more and more producers towards certification and help us achieve greater transparency and traceability and perform in a better way”, pointed out the Nogalnotte S.A. representatives
Nogalnotte S.A. is an Argentine company that produces and certifies more than one thousand hectares under the RTRS and ASC schemes in the province of Córdoba.
The second phase of this initiative will continue in 2019 to collaboratively promote sustainable agricultural practices and assist producers along the implementation process.
Bayer and RTRS have a strategic partnership and since 2015 have worked together to certify Brazilian farmers according to RTRS standards; certification is a crucial tool to achieve a holistically sustainable production of soybeans and other crops that meet environmental, business and social criteria.