Who we are
Governance Structure
RTRS is a transparent and open organisation, bringing together stakeholders that are fairly represented in three constituencies: Producers; Industry, Trade and Finance; and Civil Society Organizations.
Participating Membership
Observer Membership
Participating Members
Observer Member
General Assembly
The General Assembly is RTRS’ highest decision making level. It includes all participating and observer members, although only participating members have voting rights.
In order to guarantee the flexibility of the RTRS, the General Assembly delegates its operational activities and most of the decisions to the Executive Board.
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is the resolution-making body of RTRS with powers as delegated by the General Assembly Meeting or the RTRS Statutes.
RTRS Secretariat
The Secretariat is responsible for executing the decisions made by Board of Directors.
Board of Directors
The three constituencies are equally represented in the Board of Directors: Producers; Industry, Trade and Finance; and Civil Society. Each has a maximum of five representatives.
Each constituency has the same voting rights. They are elected by the General Assembly on an annual basis, and hold their role of representatives for a two-year period.
Meet the representatives:

Caroline Correa Nobrega
Associação Clubes Amigos Da Terra de Sorriso

Juan Carlos Cotella
Member (Interim)

Mr Schouten
Industry, Trade and Finance
Achieve Now
The Netherlands
Download the minutes – access the resolutions and decisions made during meetings of the Board of Directors.
Luiza Bruscato
Global Executive

Laura Villegas
Global Market Development &
Stakeholder Affairs Manager

Ana Laura Andreani
Technical Unit

Pablo Reveles
Market Intelligence &
Data Manager