What are the benefits
of RTRS certification?

▶ It is a management tool and a sustainable strategy globally recognized and applicable worldwide.

▶ Applicable to the production of soy and corn for multiple purposes: human consumption, animal feed, biofuels.

▶ Available for producers of any kind and size: individual or group certification.

▶ A solution for global sustainability goals: markets committed to responsible supply chains.

▶ It is a credible tool that ensures process transparency: a rigorous and robust verification and certification system. Audits are conducted by independent Certification Bodies, which are in turn audited by recognized Accreditation Bodies.

▶ It ensures that soy is produced in environmentally-correct, socially-appropriate and economically-viable process, deforestation and conversion-free.

Certification scope


Soybean production
Biofuels for producers
Non-GMO for producers
Corn production
Corn Production

The RTRS Standard for Responsible Corn Production is complementary to the RTRS Standard for Soy Production, and can be implemented for RTRS certified soybean producers. It provides for compliance of 14 more indicators additional to the 108 mandatory and progressive compliance indicators of the RTRS Soybean Production Standard.

RTRS Certification for Responsible Soy Production is valid for 5 years with mandatory annual surveillance audits

As of December 2021, producers will be able to certify corn under the Standard for Responsible Corn Production.

RTRS Standard for Responsible Corn Production V.1
Biofuels for producers

Producers certified against the RTRS Standard for Responsible Soy Production have the possibility to be certified under EU RED scope according to the requirements established in RTRS EU RED Compliance Requirements for Producers in order to access the European biofuel market. RTRS scheme is recognized by the European Commission – Renewable Energy Directive

RTRS EU RED Compliance Requirements for Producers
Non-GMO for producers

RTRS offers non-GMO soy certification since 2011. To certify non-GMO soy, producers must certify against the RTRS Standard for Responsible Soy Production and, additionally, in compliance with Module D of the RTRS Chain of Custody Standard for non-GMO soy.

At the same time, since 2018, RTRS certified producers can access non-GMO RTRS Credits, also certifying their soy production against non-GMO RTRS Standard for Producers. This model enables the market to support production of non-GMO soy through the purchase of RTRS non-GMO credits without obtaining any physical non-GMO soy.

Module D - Chain of Custody for physical non-GMO soy
RTRS Non-GMO Standard for Producers V1.0
Chain of Custody for producers

The Chain of Custody Requirements for Producers module is an annex to the RTRS production Standard, which enables producers to sell their certified product through the physical flow (Country Material Balance, Mass Balance or Segregation systems).

By 2020 it mandatory for all RTRS certified producers to include in the audit the Chain of Custody Requirements for Producers.

Annex 1 of the RTRS Standard for Responsible Soy Production V3.1

The RTRS Standard for Responsible Soy Production is a holistic certification scheme including five principles and 108 mandatory and progressive compliance indicators:
· Legal Compliance and Good Business Practices
· Responsible Labor Conditions
· Responsible Community Relations
· Environmental Responsibility
· Good Agricultural Practices
Ensures zero deforestation and zero conversion soy production.
RTRS Certification for Responsible Soy Production is valid for 5 years with mandatory annual surveillance audits.

RTRS Standard for Responsible Soy Production V.4.0

Chain of Custody

Chain of Custody
Country Material Balance
Mass Balance
Non-GMO Chain of Custody requirements
Biofuels Chain of Custody requirements
Chain of Custody

The RTRS Chain of Custody (CoC) Standard describes the requirements for the different traceability systems an organisation can implement to keep control of RTRS-certified material inventories, either soybean or soy byproducts.

It can be applied across the entire supply chain and it is mandatory for organisations wishing to receive, process and trade RTRS soy.

The RTRS Chain of Custody Standard is also applicable for RTRS certified corn.

RTRS Chain of Custody (CoC) Standard V.2.3
Meet the certified organisations
Country Material Balance

Operators certified against the RTRS Chain of Custody Standard can apply the RTRS National Mass Balance Module for Chain of Custody which allows them to centralize accounting of RTRS or RTRS Non-GMO soy, soy derivatives and soy products over a number of physical production sites in one single accounting system (inputs and outputs of RTRS data from different certified physical sites).

This module is to be used where an organization operates a number of farms with storage capacity, silos, crushing facilities, storage sites, etc. within a given country.

The Country Material Balance module is also applicable for RTRS corn.

RTRS National Mass Balance Module for Chain of Custody v1.0
Mass Balance

Operators certified against the RTRS Chain of Custody Standard can certify under this system applying the Chain of Custody Module A - Mass Balance which allows them to maintain separate accounting systems, through which they ensure that the delivered volumes of RTRS-certified soy or derived products correspond to the volumes of RTRS-certified soy or derived products entering their unit.

The Mass Balance module is also applicable to RTRS certified corn.

Chain of Custody Module A - Mass Balance

Operators certified against the RTRS Chain of Custody Standard can be certified under the Chain of Custody Module B - Segregation.

With this certification, operators can guarantee that soy from one or more RTRS-certified facilities is kept physically separate from other sources of non-RTRS-certified soy across the entire supply chain.

The Segregation module is also applicable to RTRS certified corn.

Chain of Custody Module B - Segregation
No-GMO Chain of Custody requirements

RTRS offers non-GMO soy certification since 2011. In addition to certifying against the RTRS Chain of Custody (CoC) Standard , the entire supply chain will be able to certify under the non-GMO scope, as required in RTRS Chain of Custody - Module D non-GMO.

Chain of Custody Module A - Mass Balance
Chain of Custody Module B - Segregation
Chain of Custody - Module D non-GMO soy
Laboratory accreditation to conduct tests as required by RTRS Production Standard V1.0
Biofuels Chain of Custody requirements

Organisations certified against the RTRS Chain of Custody Standard can be EU RED certified in accordance to RTRS EU RED Compliance Requirements for the Supply Chain. In this way, EU RED-certified supply chains can export soy to any European Union member state as a raw material for biofuels.
The RTRS scheme is recognized by the European Commission – Renewable Energy Directive.

RTRS EU RED Compliance Requirements for the Supply Chain V3.4
Chain of Custody Module A - Mass Balance
Chain of Custody Module B - Segregation

Biofuels chain of custody certificates

I want to get certified

Your questions about certification or comments are most welcome,

send us an email to [email protected]

Certification Bodies

Certification Bodies are responsible for auditing and certifying RTRS standards through qualified RTRS Lead Auditors. Certification Bodies are in turn accredited by National Accreditation Bodies.


OUA accreditation for RTRS Production Standard and for RTRS Chain of Custody Standard.


Julieta Viglioni 

Tel: +54 11 4000 8000 Ext. 8106  

Associação Control Union
Certificate Ltda.

OAA accreditation for RTRS Production Standard and for RTRS Chain of Custody Standard.


Tomas Pueta

[email protected]
Tel: +55 11 3035 1600 /
M: +55 11 97261-5018


[email protected]

COTECNA INSPECCION ARGENTINA Preliminary recognition for RTRS Production Standard.

Currently not accredited


Erica Alvarez

[email protected]
Tel: + 54 11 525 2 6136 /
M: +54911 3927 8762

FoodChain ID Certificadora Ltda.

INMETRO accreditation for RTRS Production Standard and for RTRS Chain of Custody Standard.


Marco Lourenco

[email protected]
Tel: +55 54 9 9101-6167

Genesis Logo

INMETRO Accreditation for RTRS Production Standard


Flaviana Bim 
[email protected]
Tel: +043 3178 3900 /
+043 9 9108 9940

INMETRO acreditation for RTRS Production Standard


Rafael Antonio Breviglero

[email protected]
Tel: +55 14 3814-3272

Julio Cesar Amaral

[email protected]


OUA accreditation for RTRS Production Standard and for RTRS Chain of Custody Standard.

Currently not accredited

Agustín Russi

[email protected]
Tel: + 598 2 600 01 65 /
+ 598 98 802 395

Agustín Russi

[email protected]
Tel + 598 2 600 01 65 /
+ 598 98 802 395

SBC – Serviço Brasileiro de Certificações Ltda
Accreditation INMETRO for RTRS production Standard.


Matheus Modolo Witzler
[email protected]
Tel: +55 14 3814-3272

Flavio Pires Toledo
[email protected]
Tel: +55 14 3814-3272


OAA accreditation for RTRS Production Standard and for RTRS Chain of Custody Standard


Ignacio Ormaechea 

[email protected]
 Tel: +54 114124 2061 

Natalia Boloniati

[email protected]
Tel: +54 115552-6726  Ext. 2086

Certification Bodies wishing to be recognized by RTRS are required to send a request to technical [email protected].

Qualified lead auditors

Are auditors trained to conduct certification audits. Qualified lead auditors must meet the following requirements:

· Successful completion of a RTRS-endorsed training course delivered by certification bodies

· Proven lead assessor experience in similar certification schemes


Certification Bodies deliver RTRS-endorsed training courses for all those interested in conducting audits under RTRS Standards. Courses are delivered by qualified staff, with specially prepared materials and final evaluation.

If you wish to receive information about upcoming courses please contact RTRS Secretariat.

Course Announcement

Lead Auditor workshop

Accreditation Bodies

These are the entities responsible for auditing certification bodies.

Organismo Argentino de Acreditación (OAA)

Maria Paola Marsico
[email protected]
Tel: +54 11 2150-2164/2162/2158
M:+549 112294-6525

Bartolomé Mitre 648 1°floor,
Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina (C1067ABB)


Instituto Nacional de Metrología, Qualidade e Tecnologia (Inmetro)

Caetano da Conceição
[email protected]

Gabriela Noemi Moreira Silveira
[email protected]
Tel: +55 21 2563 2869 / 2877 / 4617

Rua Santa Alexandrina. 416, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil (CEP 20261-232)


Organismo Uruguayo de Acreditación (OUA)

Ing. Qca. Liliane Somma
[email protected]
Tel: +598 2 908 0952 / +598 2 908 1653

Rincón 723, Oficina 112, Montevideo (11000)


Open and closed audit public consultations

Technical Documents

Public consultations closed