“Beyond 2020” RTRS Strategy 2021-2026 highlights
Dear friends and colleagues.
Global supply chains are at a tipping point for shared responsibility and, as a reference organization in the soy ecosystem, RTRS is ready to go beyond.
The Round Table on Responsible Soy Association has recently launched the “Beyond 2020” RTRS Strategy | 2021-2026. Envisioned and led by RTRS Executive Board since 2019, it became the roadmap that will guide and focus the Association´s work and efforts over the next six years.
Over this six-year long strategy period, RTRS will have a specific, valuable and overarching role, as a global multistakeholder round table looking to strengthen and broaden engagement activities and membership base, and, at the same time, owner of robust and credible certification schemes (Production and Chain of Custody) that guarantee sustainable, transparent, and traceable sourcing.
All organizations coexisting in this soy ecosystem have a valuable role to play, and we are ready to play ours.
We invite and encourage RTRS community to make this strategy their own and play an active part in multiplying its impact.
Look at the “Beyond 2020” RTRS Strategy highlights and join us in this journey.