RTRS Chain of Custody certification consolidates worldwide
In 2023*, 28 new sites were certified against the RTRS Chain of Custody (CoC) Standard. These are the companies that obtained the certification this year: Danone LTDA and NovaAgri Infraestrutura de Armazenagem e Escoamento Agrícola S.A from Brazil; Oleon NV from Belgium, and Chilean companies, Bunge Chile SPA, Comercializadora Nutreco Chile Limitada and Kabsa S.A. They represent in total:
● Seven soybean storage plants in Brazil, specifically in the states of Bahia-BA; Marañao-MA; Mato Grosso-MT; Tocantis-TO, and eight storage facilities in Los Lagos, Chinque Alto and Coronel in Chile.
● Three soybean lecithin, meal and oil processing plants in Los Lagos, Chile, and Rhein, Belgium.
● Four ports in Puerto Coronel and Terminales Marítimos de la Patagonia in Chile, and Puerto Terminal Portuário Tegram and Porto de Santos in Brazil.
● Three transshipments in Pirapora-MT; Rondonópolis and Palmirante-TO in Brazil.
● Two commercial offices in São Paulo and Minas Gerais, Brazil; two in Santiago de Chile and one in Ertvelde, Belgium.
To date, there are 404 certified sites authorized to receive, process and market RTRS-certified physical soybeans, including 45 ports in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Germany, and Paraguay, and 43 transshipments.
* Information collected as of November 7.
Evolution of RTRS chain-of-custody certification
* Information collected as of November 7.
Between 2011 and 2018, 47 sites from three different countries (Argentina, Brazil and Thailand) obtained Chain of Custody certification. In 2019, eight new sites in five different countries obtained RTRS certification. This included the entry of Italy, Turkey and Uruguay, resulting in a total of 55 certified sites. In 2020, 84 sites were certified for the first time, including 19 ports and one transshipment terminal (in addition to 17 other sites that certified in 2015 and were recertified). The 121 sites certified in 2020 marked a very significant 121% increase over 2019 and the addition of five new countries: Germany, France, India, the Netherlands and Paraguay.
The second major breakthrough in CoC certification occurred in 2022 when there was a 100% increase in the number of certified sites compared to the previous year. which had ended with 184 sites. Thus, 2022 closed with a total of 369 sites ready to receive, process and market RTRS-certified physical soybeans in 14 countries in the Americas, Europe and Asia; 238 storage plants, 75 processing plants, 41 ports, 38 transshipment terminals and 32 commercial offices.
RTRS Chain of Custody Certification in the world
The current scenario of CoC’s RTRS certification shows the trend of the soybean supply chain. The results show a remarkable strengthening of CoC RTRS certification on a global scale. More and more organizations are recognizing and incorporating this certification as a strategic tool to responsibly supply the growing number of new markets that demand sustainable products.