RTRS Executive Board 2019-2020
Members to fill in positions in the new RTRS Executive Board were elected during the 13th RTRS General Assembly held in Utrecht, Netherlands on June 12, 2019.
In the Producers constituency, the following members were elected to fill in positions in the Executive Board for the period 2019-2021: Marina Born de Engels from Caldenes Agropecuaria S.A. (Argentina); Gisela Introvini from Fundação de Apoio a Pesquisa do Corredor de Exportação Norte – FAPCEN (Brazil); Juliana de Lavor Lopes from Amaggi (Brazil); Luiz Carlos Iaquinta Filho (Bartira Agropecuária S.A.) and Anadir Regina da Graça Paiva (Associação Amigos da Terra de Sorriso – Cat Sorriso). For the Civil Society constituency, members elected were Ulises Javier Martínez Ortiz (Fundación Vida Silvestre) and Hernán Zunino (The Nature Conservancy). Members elected in the Industry, Trade and Finance constituency were Jochem Bouwmeester (Rabobank); Stefan Heinke (Bayer AG) and Judith Judith Ginsberg (Lidl Stiftung & Co. KG).
Members keeping their position for the period 2018-2020, in the Industry, Trade and Finance constituency are: Lieven Callewaert (Alliance 4 SOY, group including RTRS member organizations Arla Foods, Unilever, FrieslandCampina, Mars, VION NV, DMK Deutsches Milchkontor GmbH, HKScan Oyj, Lantmännen and Vandenmoortele NV) and Jorn Schouten (ACT Commodities); and in the Civil Society constituency, Oswaldo Carvalho Jr (Earth Innovation Institute) was elected.
At the Executive Board Meeting held last June 14, Marina Born de Engels (Caldenes Agropecuaria S.A.) was elected for the third consecutive year RTRS President, and will continue in that position for the period 2019-2020. First Vice President Juliana de Lavor Lopes (Amaggi), Second Vice President Ulises Martínez (Fundación Vida Silvestre), and Third Vice President Lieven Callewaert (Alliance 4 Soy) continued in their positions in the RTRS Executive Board. Luiz Carlos Iaquinta Filho (Bartira Agropecuária S.A.) was appointed Treasurer of the Association.
With 13 members, the new set-up of the Executive Board is as follows:
Marina Born de Engels (Caldenes Agropecuaria S.A. – Argentina)
Vice Presidents
Juliana de Lavor Lopes (Amaggi)
Ulises Javier Martínez Ortiz (Fundación Vida Silvestre)
Lieven Callewaert (Alliance 4 Soy)
Luiz Carlos Iaquinta Filho (Bartira Agropecuária S.A.)
Rabobank – Jochem Bouwmeester (The Netherlands)
Alliance 4 Soy – Lieven Callewaert (Belgium)
ACT Commodities – Jorn Schouten ( The Netherlands)
Bayer AG – Stefan Heinke (Germany)
Lidl Stiftung & Co. KG – Judith Ginsberg (Germany)
Amaggi – Juliana de Lavor Lopes (Brazil)
Caldenes Agropecuaria S.A. – Marina Born de Engels (Argentina)
FAPCEN – Gisela Regina Introvini (Brazil)
Bartira Agropecuária S.A. – Luiz Carlos Iaquinta Filho (Brazil)
Associação Amigos da Terra de Sorriso – Cat Sorriso – Anadir Regina da Graça Paiva (Brazil)
Civil Society
Earth Innovation Institute– Oswaldo Carvalho Jr (Brazil)
Fundación Vida Silvestre – Ulises Javier Martínez Ortiz (Argentina)
The Nature Conservancy – Hernán Zunino (Argentina)
About the RTRS Executive Board
The three constituencies are equitably represented: Producers; Industry, Trade and Finance, and Civil Society have a maximum number of 5 representatives each, which makes a total of 15 members, all of them with the same voting rights, and elected by the General Assembly on an annual basis, in their role of representatives for a two-year period.
The process of nomination for the RTRS Executive Board begins 120 days prior to the General Assembly; organizations formally submit their nominations to the Executive Secretariat, and candidates are submitted to the voting process which takes place at the General Assembly.
Marina Born de Engels’ third year as President
Marina Born de Engels was appointed RTRS President in June 2017 and was ratified for the third consecutive year in her position to continue for the 2019-2020 period. Mrs. Engels is succeeding Olaf Brugman, Head of Sustainable Capital Markets in Rabobank, who has been RTRS President for the period 2015 -2017.
Marina graduated in Economics and International Relations in the US. She is the Managing Director of Caldenes Agropecuaria S.A., an Argentine private company present in the agri-livestock industry for more than 65 years and a leader in Hereford breeding and in certified agriculture in Argentina.
“Two years ago, our challenge was twice as big. On the one hand, we wanted to strengthen RTRS’ positioning as a global, multi-sector platform that fosters dialog on soy. Our goal was to make RTRS’ certification standards visible, as they are specific tools, available to the market and suitable to comply with global sustainability policies and commitments. We understand that the platform and the certification standards are relevant elements to facilitate more responsible supply chains. Thinking ahead, this recently elected Executive Committee is renewing the determination for achieving the goal set and ratify our commitment with the industry and its players, from an inclusive perspective and a collaborative dialog,” stated Marina Born de Engels.
On his part, Marcelo Visconti, RTRS Executive Director, said: “The recently elected RTRS Executive Committee will contribute new ideas and challenges at an important time for the Association. Our focus will be on defining our strategy for beyond 2020. Speeding up the growth achieved in this past years, strengthening RTRS positioning as an inclusive association, a referent in its sector will help attain the goals needed by the soy supply chain.”