22 December, 2023

RTRS celebrates 10 years of certification of five producers

In 2022 and 2023, Agroalas S.R.L., Agropecuaria Dechamps S.R.L., and Kiñewen S.A. from Argentina; Saag Comercial Exportadora Ltda. from Brazil and Desarrollo Agrícola del Paraguay S.A. from Paraguay have celebrated a decade of uninterrupted sustainable soybean production under the RTRS Standard for Responsible Soy Production.

These five producers join the seven that had already celebrated their 10-year certification anniversary in 2021 (Aceitera General Deheza S.A., Adeco Agropecuaria S.A., Caldenes S.A. and Viluco S.A. from Argentina, and Amaggi and SLC Agrícola from Brazil).

The tenth certification anniversary of these producers marks the renewal of their commitment to sustainable production, having obtained RTRS certification for the second time.

Learn about the producers and their certified background


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