31 July, 2023

RTRS Standard awarded the maximum equivalence level against SAI Platform’s FSA, helping to increase industry sustainability

The SAI Platform is comprised of over 170 industry members working to promote sustainable agriculture practices.

The Round Table on Responsible Soy Association (RTRS) earned the highest level of equivalence when benchmarked against the Farm Sustainability Assessment (FSA) of the Sustainable Agriculture Initiative Platform (SAI Platform) The SAI Platform is a not-for-profit organisation and industry initiative that helps companies source sustainably grown agricultural raw materials and thus achieve sustainable production. With over 170 members from the various links that comprise the food and beverage value chain, the SAI Platform is recognised globally for the FSA and its benchmarking programme.

The benchmarking process consists of a set of tools that can be used by each and every producer (regardless of property size) to evaluate and improve their agricultural practices. As such, the system makes independent assessment possible by providing a global framework and a single reference system focused on sustainable agriculture that applies to every crop grown anywhere in the world.

Based on a review of the RTRS Standard for Responsible Soy Production version 4.0 (RTRS Production Standard) – which made it even more complete, with principles, criteria, indicators and the inclusion of more relevant topics for the market – specialised consultants used benchmarking data from the FSA to conduct a thorough assessment. As a result, the RTRS Production Standard is now part of a select group of standards to bear the “Gold Level” equivalent seal and the only one specifically geared towards soy production. From now on, RTRS certified producers can also showcase their “gold” level equivalent to all the industries that use the FSA as a reference.



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