RTRS welcomed 21 new members in the first half of 2021
To be a member of RTRS means to be an active participant of the largest global platform for multistakeholder dialogue and commitment to a responsible and transparent soy supply chain. Also, it implies becoming a player in the process towards environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial and economically viable soy production.
More and more actors of the soy supply chain want to become more sustainable and commit to a responsible soy value chain. In the first half of 2021, RTRS welcomed 21 new members to participate and collaborate in this Round Table. Eleven (11) of them belong to the Industry, Trade & Finance (ITF) constituency, nine (9), to the Producer´s and one (1) is from the Civil Society Organizations constituency.
The new members from the ITF constituency are ALDI Einkauf SE & Co. oHG from Germany; from Brazil, BRF S.A. and Fazenda Futuro S.A.; Centrico Veevoeders B.V. and My Flame Lifestyle B.V. from The Netherlands; Terrena Group from France; Mole Valley Feed Solutions Ltd., from the United Kingdom, from USA, Kemin Industries Inc., PepsiCo Inc, and The Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company; finally Skretting Yem Uretim ve Tic. A.S. from Turkey.
Also, new producers joined; from Paraguay Agropecuaria Busanello S.A., Agrosoy S.A., Kimex SRL and Iruña S.A.I.C; from France CUMA de la Vallée de la Trouille and Gaec Noury; Fulsingh Bidwan from India; Hootaway Farms from Canada; and Salentein Argentina BV. from Argentina.
Last but not least, the Xinhua Children’s Food Quality Research and Development Center from China became a member representing the Civil Society constituency.
“In its role as a multistakeholder platform for dialogue for consensus decision-making, RTRS supports organizations during their journey to achieve sustainability goals. With a strong conviction, we face the challenge of building loyalty and increasing our membership. We celebrate that the RTRS community continues to grow, as it encourages us to continue working towards the fulfillment of a common strategy.” says Marcelo Visconti, Executive Director of RTRS.
As a global multistakeholder platform, RTRS celebrates the incorporation of new members who reinforce their commitment to sustainability and join the Round Table to work together.
Click here to learn more about our new members