The RTRS membership
As 2021 draws to a close, we are pleased to announce that, almost tripling the average annual number of new members registered over the past four years (11), this year RTRS added a total of 27 new members. To date, there are 187 RTRS members.
In addition to the first 21 organizations that joined the Association in the first half of the year, 6 new members joined in the second semester of 2021. Four of them belong to the Industry, Commerce and Finance constituency: Advanced Organic Materials S.A. from Argentina; Corredor Logística e Infraestructura S.A. From Brasil; Aves Reproductoras de Centroamerica S.A from Guatemala and Woolworths Group Limited from Australia. In addition, San Félix S.A. of Argentina, from the Producers constituency and LL Ambiental Ltda. of Brazil, as an Observer member, joined the Association.
We welcome these new RTRS members and invite them to participate in great joint decisions to create the best conditions for responsible soybean production in the world.
Click here to learn more about our new members and their motivations for joining the multi-stakeholder, global, consensus-based decision-making round table.