15 September, 2020

The Value of Certification: Joining forces between Supply and Demand

Wednesday, 30 September| 2:00pm CEST

Open and Free Registration

Join us in to explore how RTRS stakeholders are transforming supply chains together with partners and farmers

We are witnessing a substantial increase in the demand for RTRS Credits, supporting responsible soy production, as well as increases in Chain of Custody certification, which further strengthens the growing uptake of RTRS certified soy via Mass Balance. This shows that several players in the supply chain are progressively recognizing the solution that certification offers.

RTRS certification goes beyond zero conversion and zero deforestation soy. It appears, however, that sometimes this added value is not seen by all or is considered to be less relevant. Global sustainable supply chains are still a challenge: even if certification were to expand exponentially, would it still respond to the need for scale?

In our third webinar, our objectives are threefold: we will present cases of RTRS sustainable supply chains joining forces to demonstrate the tangible impact of certification; we will show how RTRS Credits support responsible soy production and/or RTRS certified soy via Mass Balance in the context of changing European regulation, market requirements, and investor demands; and we will explore the way we can enhance the value of certification across the soy value chain.


Opening Speech
Morgan Gillespy
Director, Forests
CDP Worldwide
United Kingdom

Justin Adams
Executive Director
Tropical Forest Alliance
World Economic Forum
United Kingdom

Luiz Iaquinta
Quality, Certification, Healthy and Safety
and Environmental Director
Fazendas Bartira

Renata Nogueira
Sustainability Coordinator for the Cargill’s Agriculture
Division in South America

James Allen

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