17 November, 2020

Voting results. Written Resolution No. 2-2020

Dear RTRS Members,

The purpose of this communication is to inform you about the results of the written based voting procedure set forth in Article 18 of RTRS Statutes for the approval of (i) the amendment to Article 45(1) of RTRS Statutes in order to select the United Nations as the entity to whom RTRS remaining assets shall be transferred in case of dissolution, and (ii) the RTRS Amended and Restated Statutes reflecting the mentioned change to Article 45(1).

Please be informed that 83 Participating Members did take part in the voting on this resolution. 78 Participating Members voted in favor of the resolution, 1 Participating Member voted against and 4 Participating Members abstained. Since the simple majority (more than half) of all 141 Participating Members at the time of the publication of the relevant Voting Notice (without consideration of the constituencies) cast a vote, but one Participating Member cast a vote against the resolution, a re-counting of the votes on constituency level had to be conducted by the RTRS Secretariat.

Such re-counting of the votes revealed the following results:


In favor Against Abstentions
Civil Society organizations 8


Producers 9 0 0
Industry, Trade and Finance 61 1 4

Therefore, since according to the re-counting of the votes a simple majority (more than half of the valid votes cast) in favor of the resolution was achieved within each of the constituencies having cast a vote, the resolution is approved in accordance with Article 18(8) et seq. of RTRS Statutes.

We remain available for any further clarifications in connection with this communication.

Best regards,

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